Focus Group
The purpose for assembling participants ranging in age 13-23 was to get their opinions, beliefs,
perceptions, and attitudes concerning mentoring.
Questions asked included:
- What characteristics would they expect a mentor to possess?
- What method of communication would they prefer, and what topics were they interested in covering?
All participants agreed that the mentor must be a “nice person, positive motivator, relatable, and
not judgmental.” Other comments were that mentors must “not sugar coat, must listen to them and give honest input that would help them improve in all areas of life.” All agreed to face to face communication, but email and telephone could also be used.
Some of the interesting issues they would want to cover include:
- Ways to achieve goals
- How to interact with others
- Managing Money
- Conflict resolution
- Relationship building
- Societal issues
The participants 20-23 added to the list of discussion issues involving:
- Peer Pressure
- Bullying
- Talking to Parents
All participants stressed the fact that they were interested in making the best choices for
their futures, with the expectation of 100% support from their mentor.
Mentors present included a:
- Retired police officer
- Real Estate Broker
- Special Education Teacher
- Retired Athletic Coach
Mentors gave personal experiences of how “they stayed away from trouble, and got to where
they are today.” Participants wanted to know when the next meeting would take place.