In-spite of intermittent rain showers on Saturday July 21, 2018, The Preston T.
Ross, Jr. Mentoring Center’s tour of the “Soul Side of the Windy City” went off
without a hitch. Our group of thirty-eight which included Board members, Advisory members,Mentees, future Mentees, and Guest were delighted with the three hour bus tour.
The tour included nearly 50 sites. We exited the bus and toured the renowned
Chess Records. We knew many of the areas but we did not know the stories
(history) involved. We found the tour to be fascinating and informative, and in
many instances reminiscent of the critical contributions African Americans played in shaping Chicago’s history.
The mentees and future mentees gained a greater respect for their heritage and the many African Americans who paved the way for the opportunities and successes they are experiencing today.
Ms. Barbara Morris, our tour guide, admonished and encouraged our young people to keep their head up, stand strong and relish in their heritage. They should always strive to be the best they can be. According to several of the Mentees “we had a great time and learned a lot.”